18 February 2015
While DWI charges are very serious, there are always people who try to test their luck. There are a number of "tricks" that supposedly help you beat a breathalyzer test, but none of these actually work. Here's a look at some of the most common field sobriety test myths, and how believing them could land you a DWI charge. Myth #1: Mouthwash or mints can help you beat a sobriety test
9 February 2015
Divorce is not something that most people anticipate when they get married. Unfortunately, it is still incredibly common. If you are facing a divorce in the near future, it is wise to utilize these tips to ensure that you are emotionally, financially and physically secure throughout the process. 1. Protect Yourself. Always know your rights as they relate to custody, child support and marital assets. You are not powerless if you are equipped with knowledge.
30 January 2015
If you suffer from a chronic condition like high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes, you probably take medication to control it. By doing so, you are placing your trust in both the prescribing physician and the drug manufacturer. Unfortunately, in recent years, there have been several recalls of prescriptions by the FDA (Food And Drug Administration), due to newly discovered side effects. As a result, personal injury cases and class-action lawsuits involving large groups of impacted patients have occurred.
27 January 2015
If you are suffering from a permanent disability but do not have medical records, you may feel you don't have a chance at being approved for disability benefits. You do have some options available. Listed below is an outline of the initial process and ways to boost your odds of being approved, even without medical records. How Medical Records are Used In a Disability Case Aside from establishing proof of disability, past medical records can shed light on length of disability, as well as its progression and severity.
19 January 2015
Most people are familiar with the idea of the Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which requires that you surrender assets above a certain minimum to go toward paying off your debt, and the rest of your debt is effectively wiped out. However, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy is different, and it's often misunderstood. A Chapter 13 bankruptcy is something like a very involved payment plan, intended to get your debts paid off and your finances back on track within a few years without giving up your assets.
14 January 2015
If you aren't aware of this yet, you should be: the internet is forever. It is way too easy to text, tweet, blog or post something that you'll come to regret when it's brought into court and presented to a judge. Once you've clicked the button that sends it on its way you have immortalized whatever it is that you've said or done, and if your soon-to-be-ex-spouse can find a way to use it against you, he or she will.
6 January 2015
It's never recommended that anyone sign any type of legal agreement without the advice of an attorney, not even a personal will. The law is often more complicated than people realize, and it's easy to overlook details that would otherwise ensure your rights. If you're signing over mineral rights on your land, you want to be sure you consult with an oil and gas lawyer like Roberts Miceli Boileau & Doutt LLP first.
23 December 2014
If you work on a farm, you know that your job is vital to the American society. People rely on farms every day, so your job is a big contribution to lives all across the country, but you depend on your job for your livelihood. When you become injured while doing your job, it can have a detrimental effect. But it can also be confusing as to who you need to pursue a claim against to receive compensation for those injuries.
19 December 2014
If you are married, you are likely eligible to receive monthly Social Security benefits your spouse would receive at full retirement age. The amount you would receive is based on their employment history and not your own. As a result, you could be eligible to claim this money even if you have never worked yourself. Maximizing Benefits The amount of spousal benefit you would receive is based on when your spouse initiated it.