21 June 2016
When someone is served with divorce papers, they will most likely see an attorney for an initial consultation to discuss representation in a court of law. While this initial consultation gives them the chance to see if the attorney is the right fit for their needs, it is also held for the attorney to decide whether to offer their services or not. Here are some red flags attorneys watch out for during this consultation, giving them information they would be better off not taking on the job requested.
2 June 2016
The purpose of social security disability is to provide additional income for an individual who has a medical condition or disability that prevents him or her from working enough hours to obtain enough income to survive. If you or your spouse has congestive heart failure, you might be wondering whether or not social security disability benefits are an option. What is Congestive Heart Failure? Your heart hasn't quit working, but it is weaker because the blood is moving to your heart at a much slower rate.
28 April 2016
Emotional child abuse is a serious accusation that you shouldn't make without having the other parent can easily lose their custodial or visitation rights, which would be a disaster if based on false allegations. This is why the government will scrutinize your accusations thoroughly before making a decision. So how can you prove that a child is being emotionally abused? Your chances of success are high if these four factors support your claim:
28 April 2016
If you were bitten by a dog, then you should consider the possibility of filing a lawsuit. Such a course of action can allow you to recoup some or all of your financial losses, which can add up to quite a bit. Before deciding if a lawsuit is right for you, you should understand exactly how the law works in your state. To give you an idea, here are some of the most critical laws that will affect any dog bite lawsuit in Hawaii:
7 April 2016
If you and your spouse have decided to divorce, you may be concerned about how custody for your child will be assigned. If you desire to seek primary custody, you should be aware of some of the criteria that the judge will consider before he or she makes a decision concerning custody. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you pursue primary custody of your youngster: The judge will want a stable living environment for the child.
23 March 2016
Being injured in an accident can be frustrating. Not only are you stuck having to try to recover from your injuries, but you also have to deal with the insurance company to try to recover money lost from the accident. The whole process can be rather time-consuming and confusing. To make sure you don't end up losing out on money that you deserve, check out three items that you might not realize you can claim in your personal injury case.
22 February 2016
When you go to the grocery store you most likely expect to safely wander the aisles and select your food for the week, but when a grocery store is negligent in keeping the floor clean and clear it is possible to suffer a nasty slip and fall. When something like this happens, it is important to act intelligently if you want to ensure that you will be properly compensated for any medical bills you may incur, lost wages if you have to take time off work, and pain and suffering.
4 February 2016
It can be very rewarding and lucrative when becoming a landlord. Whether you choose to hold on to a property that you don't plan on occupying or you want to make some money on the side, renting out a home to tenants can come in handy. Unfortunately, it can also mean dealing with tenants that are not so pleasant. In every landlord's tenure, you have to expect you are going to deal with problems.
15 January 2016
Starting a small business can be a grand and stressful adventure for you to undertake. Unfortunately, there are a number of legal challenges and threats that you must be prepared to handle. For those who have limited experience with business management, these risks can seem extremely difficult to understand. Luckily, you do not have to face this challenge alone because a business law attorney can help you to better manage these issues.
29 December 2015
Applying for disability can be very intimidating because so many are afraid they will get denied. Disability application denials are actually quite common as only an average of 35% are approved on the first try. That means the majority of those who apply for disability have to go through at least one round of the appeals process. Here are three tips to help get your application for disability benefits approved.