15 September 2016
For motorcycle aficionados, not much beats the idea of hitting the open road on a gleaming bike, cruising down the highway, and the wind blowing across their face. Motorcycles are fun to drive and they are fuel efficient. Unfortunately, no matter how safely you drive your bike, other motorists are always a potential danger. Here are four tips to keep in mind to give you the best odds when your on the road.
26 August 2016
Buying a house is going to be one of the largest financial decisions you will likely make in your lifetime. There are a number of steps to go through in order to complete such a large transaction, many of which can be very overwhelming for new home buyers. You may be curious if you should utilize the expertise of a real-estate attorney. The following are some things to ask yourself when making a decision to move forward with hiring an attorney for your home purchase.
9 August 2016
As you near the end of your life you might be wondering what you can do to save money on taxes and ensure that your family gets your estate without having to go through long and difficult legal processes. Many people wonder what they can do to avoid probate and instead get their money directly to their loved ones. Here are some things that you can do to avoid probate.
26 July 2016
Charges of driving under the influence and driving while intoxicated are serious and can cause permanent damage to your career, reputation and personal relationships. Because arrests, convictions and penalties for these crimes are easy for anyone to discover and track through online court records systems, social media and traditional media sources, most people who are charged with these crimes find that their legal matters soon become a matter of public record and a danger to their reputation.
7 July 2016
Going through a divorce is inevitably going to be difficult on all members of the family, and kids are usually a bit more in-the-know than their parents think they are. Because children can be very curious about things that aren't explained clearly to them as they adjust to having two divorced parents, they may guess at things and assume the worst. To help prevent your kids making false assumptions about the situation between you and your ex, try to be as forthcoming as you can while protecting them from the drama of the situation.
21 June 2016
When someone is served with divorce papers, they will most likely see an attorney for an initial consultation to discuss representation in a court of law. While this initial consultation gives them the chance to see if the attorney is the right fit for their needs, it is also held for the attorney to decide whether to offer their services or not. Here are some red flags attorneys watch out for during this consultation, giving them information they would be better off not taking on the job requested.
2 June 2016
The purpose of social security disability is to provide additional income for an individual who has a medical condition or disability that prevents him or her from working enough hours to obtain enough income to survive. If you or your spouse has congestive heart failure, you might be wondering whether or not social security disability benefits are an option. What is Congestive Heart Failure? Your heart hasn't quit working, but it is weaker because the blood is moving to your heart at a much slower rate.