Hiring a Family Law Attorney When Adopting a Child

  • 3 Times When You Could Benefit From Using A Mobile Notary

    24 February 2017

    When you think about using a notary service to have a document notarized, you might think about traveling to a notary's office to do so. However, there are mobile services out there that you can use. As the name suggests, with a mobile notary like Bills Mobile Notary, a notary will meet you at your location to help you with these services. These are a few situations in which you might want to use the services of a mobile notary.

  • 3 Mistakes You Should Never Make When Fighting A Speeding Ticket

    9 February 2017

    If you feel that you have unfairly been given a speeding ticket, you don't have to merely accept the conclusion of the police officer without a fight in court. If you decide to fight for your rights against the citation, a great speeding ticket attorney can help you succeed in having your day in court and standing up for the truth of the situation. When the time comes to go to court to fight the speeding citation, make sure that you do not make these three common mistakes in traffic court.

  • Worker's Compensation Is There To Help You

    9 January 2017

    You may have heard about worker's compensation and you may know that it is supposed to pay for particular things if you are injured at work, but you may not know what worker's compensation really is.  Worker's Compensation Worker's comp is a kind of insurance that your employer pays. It is designed to cover medical bills and wage replacement of employees that get hurt on the job. Worker's compensation is also supposed to make it so that you can't sue your employer because the insurance is supposed to cover you, however, you may need to find a lawyer at some point in order to get what you deserve.

  • Broke After An Accident? An Accident Attorney Can Help

    29 December 2016

    If you have been involved in an accident -- such as if you were in a car accident -- there is a chance that you are feeling the financial pinch because of it. Being out of work and dealing with medical bills can put anyone in a tough financial situation, but luckily, an accident attorney can help. These are a few reasons why you should consider hiring a lawyer when you're broke after an accident.

  • Using A Revocable Trust To Prepare For Mental Incapacitation

    6 December 2016

    You likely do not want to think of spending your final years of life in a state of being mentally incapacitated. Unfortunately, this is a sad reality that many people end up facing. This can leave their loved ones scrambling to figure out the best way to care for them. Some people make the mistake of assuming that incapacitation should only be a concern in the later years of life. However, unfortunate accidents can cause able-bodied individuals to be permanently incapacitated.

  • Finding Common Ground: Proactive Tips Divorcing Parents Can Use to Prevent Painful Custody Battles

    15 November 2016

    Divorce is a painful process for both the parting spouses and their entire family. In the United States alone, approximately 1.5 million children are affected by divorce each year. But even though divorce is likely to always be painful, most children can adjust well to their new family situation over time if their parents choose to work together to arrange a workable custody arrangement that all parties can feel good about. If you and your spouse are considering divorce and want to work together to ensure that your children can enjoy a great relationship with both parents after the divorce, consider using some or all of the following tips to help you move forward more easily while avoiding painful custody disputes.

  • When You Remarry Your Ex

    26 October 2016

    Divorce is incredibly difficult for just about anyone, so moving on can take years and lots of healing. Surprisingly, some people choose to move on with their exes, remarrying them at least once after divorcing them. Although some of these couples go on to have successful and long lasting second marriages with each other, there are dangers in this arrangement. Before you remarry an ex, you need to address numerous issues.

  • Can A Lawyer Help You Win Your Social Security Case?

    5 October 2016

    If you have become too sick or injured to work at your job any longer, you may be eligible for Social Security benefits. This valuable benefit is for people who meet certain stringent criteria, and the sooner you apply, the sooner you can begin receiving benefits. The application process can be long and confusing, and sometimes your application is denied. If you feel you deserve benefits, don't be discouraged by this denial; you have the right to file for an appeal.

  • Four Tips For New Motorcyclists

    15 September 2016

    For motorcycle aficionados, not much beats the idea of hitting the open road on a gleaming bike, cruising down the highway, and the wind blowing across their face. Motorcycles are fun to drive and they are fuel efficient. Unfortunately, no matter how safely you drive your bike, other motorists are always a potential danger. Here are four tips to keep in mind to give you the best odds when your on the road.

  • 3 Questions to Consider When Deciding on a Real-Estate Attorney

    26 August 2016

    Buying a house is going to be one of the largest financial decisions you will likely make in your lifetime. There are a number of steps to go through in order to complete such a large transaction, many of which can be very overwhelming for new home buyers. You may be curious if you should utilize the expertise of a real-estate attorney. The following are some things to ask yourself when making a decision to move forward with hiring an attorney for your home purchase.