Hiring a Family Law Attorney When Adopting a Child

The Factors That Help Determine A Custody Case

by Jamie Nichols

If you are in court with the hopes of obtaining custody of your child, you may wonder if you have a chance. Each case is different, and it is important that you know what factors may impact your custody case before you make your way to court.

These are some of the factors courts may consider as part of your child custody case.

Child's Age and Needs

The child's age and needs may play a role in the custody proceedings. For instance, if your child is just a few months old and is still breastfeeding, it is likely that the breastfeeding mother will maintain custody so that the child can maintain this schedule. The same applies to special needs and disabilities. If a child has been provided care by one parent in particular for a disability or illness, that parent is likely preferred for custody.

Physical and Mental Health of Parents

It is also important for courts to consider the health of each parent, especially if it could put undue stress on the child. The court wants to place the child with a parent who is as healthy as possible and who can properly provide for the child's needs financially, physically, and mentally.

Emotional Connection

Some children simply connect more with one parent over the other, and this can make a difference in the courts. If the child has a stronger relationship with one parent, it is possible the court will maintain this, so long as the child is in a healthy environment.

Abuse and Violence

If allegations of abuse and violence have been part of the divorce proceedings, the judge may consider this when it comes to determining custody as well. It is preferential for a child not to be placed with somebody who has a history of domestic violence, of course.

Maintenance of Daily Life

It is also important for the court to consider the child's best interests. This means that the judge will likely want to keep the child in the same school and social circle if this is a possibility. Courts do not want to change the child's life significantly.

Consult With an Attorney

Your next step is to consult with an attorney. A lawyer will help you determine what kind of case you have and what you can do to build a strong custody case. Set up a consultation today to learn more about your options.
